Gift Basket

Gift Basket


Gift baskets made to order based on budget and recipient.  Call for specific pricing based on your requirements.


Gift baskets are great for personal and corporate gift giving. Our gifts are tailored based on who the gift recipient is —whether it’s an individual, a family, or an office.

Each gjft features a variety of food items like gourmet popcorn, peanuts, chocolate, cookies, snacks, etc.  If you would like a specific themed basket, such as a gourmet cooking basket, then the items would be tailored for that particular theme— like gourmet spices, flavored oils, pasta.

Photos shown are of variable price points based on past customer budgets/needs.

A hand written note with your special message is included. Shipping anywhere in the United States is available.

Please call 757-561-0144, to talk with Mary about the specifics of the gifts you need– budget, recipient information, etc.


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